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quinta-feira, 27 de outubro de 2011


E S C O L A           E S T A D U A L           “P R O F E S S O R A             A Y N A           T Ô R R E S”
Trabalho de Língua Inglesa – Dependência de 2º ano – Valor: 100,0 pontos     –     Nota: ________
Aluno: ____________________________________________  Série atual 3º ano - Turma: ________
Professor: Fabrício                                                                            Data:  10 de novembro de 2011.

1- Write “C” for correct and “I” incorrect:
a-     (    ) Marilyn washed the dress this morning. (active)
                      The dress is washed by Marilyn this morning. (passive)
b-     (    ) They would found the treasure in that other place. (active)
                      The treasure would have been found in that other place. (passive)
c-     (    ) Frank Sinatra would have sung that beautiful song. (active)
                      That beautiful song would have been sung by Frank Sinatra. (passive)

2- Com relação à transformação da voz ativa para a voz passiva é correto dizer que:
a-   (    ) o acréscimo do verbo to be e a mudança de ordem do sujeito com o objeto são as únicas alterações que há.
b-   (    ) acrescentamos o verbo to be no mesmo tempo em que estava o verbo principal da voz  ativa e esse verbo
           principal fica no particípio passado.
c-   (    ) apenas trocamos de lugar o sujeito e o objeto.
d-   (    ) o sujeito da ativa se torna o agente da passiva e o objeto da ativa se torna o sujeito da passiva.

3- “Our school system must ___.”         

         (    ) had improved
         (    ) be improved                                       
         (    ) been improved            
         (    ) being improved

4-     The airplane ___ by Santos Dumont.

           (   ) were invented
           (   ) was being invent
           (   ) was invented
           (   ) would been invented

5-     Einstein, a remarkable scientist __ discovered many Physics laws, was a German.
         (   ) which        (   ) whose              (   ) whom             (   ) what             (   ) who     
6-     Here is a book __ is very helpful in your studies.
         (   ) which        (   ) whom          (   ) what               (   ) whose           (   ) who   
7-     William Shakespeare ___ work is one of the most famous in the world lived in the 15th century.

a- (  ) whose
      b- (  ) which
      c- (  ) where
      d- (  ) when

8-     The writer, __ works are about scientific fiction, deserves his popularity.
         (   ) whom          (   ) what           (   ) whose            (   ) whom           (   ) who 
9-     The airplane ___ by Santos Dumont.

           (   ) were invented
           (   ) was being invent
           (   ) was invented
           (   ) would been invented

10-  Write “C” for correct and “I” for incorrect, according to the correct form of the passive constructions:

a- (    ) Innocent people were been killed by the Nazism.
b- (    ) Soccer is played all across Brazil.
c-  (    ) More efforts would have being made by the citizens.
d- (    ) English is spoken all over the world.
e- (    ) The TV were turned off  by itself.
f-   (    ) New jobs have been looked for.
g- (    ) The paintings have be looked at.

11- Write “A” for active and “P” for passive:

a-     (   ) Kath was given a present in her birthday.
b-     (   ) In the USA last year thousands of people
              were killed by the flood.
c-      (   ) Those men were building a bridge near my farm.
d-     (   ) The Diamonds were discovered in Tejuco
              in 1723 by Bernardo da Fonseca Lobo.
e-     (   ) Helen was watching a movie on TV.

12-This discovery was made by various people.”  Esta frase na voz passiva  é:                                                                                                            
a-  (    ) Various people have made this discovery.
b-  (    ) Various people made this discovery.
c-  (    ) Various people had made this discovery.
      d- (    ) Various people would have made this discovery.
      e-  (    ) Various people make this discovery.

13- Complete the sequences below with the correct forms of the verbs:
Past Participle 
Translation of Infinitive

to feel

deixar, partir
to make

fazer, produzir

14- “Janeth tem comido só vegetais desde que se mudou no verão passado para lá.”
      Os verbos destacados na frase anterior em inglês serão respectivamente:    
      a- (  ) comes – moved                                                d- (  ) has eaten – moved
      b- (  ) ate – has moved                                               e- (  ) have eaten – moved
      c- (  ) has eaten – had moved 

15- Write “C” for correct and “I” for incorrect, according to the USE of SIMPLE PAST
    and PRESENT PERFECT:     
     a- (   ) Jane has never worked in that café.
     b- (   ) Lincoln  and Henry hasn’t played soccer lately.
     c- (   ) I found the wallet last night.
     d- (   ) Peter did not come to my home yet.
     e- (   ) Katherine haven’t done her homework last night.

16- Marque a alternativa que contém o verbo que poderia substituir as palavras destacadas
      sem prejudicar o sentido:
    William and his wife were able to stay under water until 2 minutes without  oxygen tube.
     (  ) might                            (  ) should                             (  ) could                               (  ) can

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